Here is another issue of our “Secure Company” Alert. We hope that yet another portion of information on the changes planned to regulations on counteracting money laundering and terrorist financing (AML), along with interesting GDPR and cybersecurity related information, will turn out to be useful.
We would like to draw your attention to more changes to the Act on counteracting money laundering and terrorist financing, arising out of the amendments passed by the Sejm. In particular, we recommend the information on changes relating to the requirement to update the data submitted to the Central Register of Beneficial Owners (CRBR). They not only mandate the verification of the submitted data, but also introduce high penalties for failure to update the data already submitted to CRBR. Please note that we have regularly described the changes arising out of the amendments in our alerts in recent months.
Also noteworthy is the information contained in the other paragraphs of our alert, on securing data on social media accounts and on attempted break-ins to company systems using especially fabricated e-mails informing of inbox “overflow”. These matters are quite important when it comes to information security.
As always, we wish you a pleasant read, and should you require more or more detailed information, please don’t hesitate to contact our company and experts.
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