Anna Bernaziuk
The trade and consumer goods sectors are among the strongest in the Polish economy. However, these areas are not spared from dynamic changes and transformations either.
The boundaries between traditional and online trading are continuing to dissolve. New digital business models are pushing onto the market in increasingly shorter innovation cycles, and not all of them can assert themselves. Like in almost no other industry, process innovation drives opportunities in the industry: multichannel platforms, Web controlling, e-targeting and e-commerce solutions are being integrated into the existing business models across the board. To the same extent that the new revenue and distribution models gain momentum, the specific requirements to be met by the enterprise also grow – for example, when tracking rapidly fluctuating commodity and customer flows, managing smart supply chains or protecting the data generated on customers. The successful integration of the virtual world with the ‘real’ world therefore remains the biggest challenge the industry faces.
The Industry Expertise Centre for Trade and Consumer Goods is made up of specialists from our auditing, tax and business law and advisory divisions. Our experts with years of experience in this field permanently focus on current and future trends and receive industry-specific training. In this, we can make sure that our team is always up to date and provides the best possible support for your concerns in line with your requirements.
Our Team of Specialists from the Audit, Tax and Economic and Advisory departments constantly monitor current and future trends. This enables us to ensure that our Team is always up to date and provides the best possible support to companies in the manufacturing and trading sectors.