Tax restructuring

Tax Restructuring

We assist our clients in assessing the tax implications of negotiated and executed agreements. We also recommend amendments that secure our clients’ tax situation. Moreover, we render advisory services related to agreements for:

  • management services
  • licensing services
  • transfer of know-how and other intangible assets
  • provision of advisory services
  • other transactions

Tax compliance review of selected risk areas

This analysis constitutes a detailed review of such selected areas of business that might result in tax exposures. The service is intended to provide our clients with reports on the analysed business background and to indicate solutions to the identified issues.

Tax audit

A tax audit constitutes a comprehensive analysis of the company’s tax obligations. Its goals include:

  • analysing the organization and the functioning of its tax reporting system;
  • identifying all tax irregularities in the audited areas;
  • identifying tax exposures and mitigating the financial consequences of misguided actions;
  • clearing irregularities in the company’s tax procedures;
  • identifying opportunities for optimization of tax obligations by focusing first and foremost on reducing them to a legally compliant minimum.


Konrad Gawdzik

Konrad Gawdzik

Partner in Tax Department, Qualified Tax Advisor
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Rafał Kowalski

Rafał Kowalski

Head of Tax Department, Qualified Tax Advisor
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