Konrad Gawdzik
Variability of CIT provisions is a challenge to all business operators. Our team analyzes changes in the law and follows current practices of tax authorities and administrative courts on an ongoing basis. Basing on our ample experience, we offer diversified methods of optimizing the tax burden within the law, which is becoming more and more restrictive year by year. We also offer assistance in current income tax settlements, and specifically verification of correctness of the annual return.
Examples of areas where we can assist you:
The personal income tax is material for employees, employers and business operators. Its proper settlement, especially in doubtful cases, guarantees avoidance of the tax risk. Further, reduced tax burden makes it possible to raise the employees' net salaries or reduce the labor costs. We help Polish business operators – especially those from the segment of small and medium-sized enterprises – to optimize taxes with due consideration to international planning. This is also of importance for foreigners working in Poland and to Polish citizens delegated to work abroad. In this respect, we offer assistance in cooperation with advisers from BDO offices all over the world.
Our PIT-related services include: