Alert Safe Company No. 1/2022

Here is the January issue of our “Secure Company” alert, containing information on counteracting money laundering and combating terrorism (AML), as well as on cybersecurity and personal data protection.

Above all, we want to draw your attention to two most interesting personal data protection matters. Solutions that may prove to be exceptionally important for all companies that conduct operations using the internet. The first relates to online marketing profiles. The second to the manner in which users express their consent for the use of cookies.

In the area of counteracting money laundering and combating terrorism (AML), we cite a significant Supreme Court ruling, where the recently published reasons indicate that funds in a bank account may only be frozen once specific charges are filed against a person, and that the freeze itself serves to secure the proceeding rather than as physical evidence in the case.

We would also like to direct your attention to cybersecurity related matters. Recent months have brought increasingly concerning information about all types of threats.

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